don’t come with an expiration date, but some really should. When buyers are
touring a home, a stale bedroom with outdated style can be a deal-breaker.
Problematically, many sellers simply can’t see their own bedrooms honestly
anymore. Give your bedroom the “has it gone bad?” sniff test by checking for
these common signs of stale design:
September 26, 2014
September 19, 2014
Small Bathroom Tune-ups

just because a bathroom is small doesn't mean it has to feel small. In fact,
many small bathrooms can be transformed into much larger-feeling spaces simply
by making some adjustments to design choices.
are some design tips for your small bathroom that don’t involve major
renovations. If you’ve been living with a small bathroom, perhaps these tips
will help you make the most of what you have until you decide it’s time to make
the upgrade:
September 12, 2014
6 Tough Home Pricing Truths
are some tough truths about home pricing. While they can vary a little
depending on unique market conditions, they should all be in the back of your
mind as you prepare to list.